
" Client Satisfaction is our motto "

About Us !

The company was established by late Seth Sri Laxmidas M Sejpal on February 8, 1959 and now it’s fully handled by his grandson Mr. Kailash S Sejpal.

This company is engaged in export of spices in whole and powder form viz, dry ginger, black pepper, nutmeg, nutmace red & yellow, chillies of all varieties 7 Chilli seeds chillipowder , Turmeric finger with high curcumin 3% to 4% in whole and ground form , seed spices viz cumin seeds, coriander seeds , Fennel seeds,Yellow Mustard seed, maize, corn, dry coconut etc., as well as crude drugs, kolingin (galangal roots) herbs, crude drugs viz curcuma, Aromatica, Black cumin seeds, coffee beans viz Robusta cherry, arabica A, AA AB & plantation A, AA, AAA,, tea etc. The company also undertakes to supply any other items available from India viz. Cotton textiles, Raw cotton, dry Tobacco leaves,Tea coffee etc., and undertake supply as per importer choice.

Imports Done

Betelnuts, Spices (dry ginger), Sea Shells, Rubber Waste.

Company Motto

Prefers Customers’ satisfaction for a long term Relationship with them.


Products !

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Contact Us

TEL: +91-484-2225283
E-mail : ssejpal.co@gmail.com